Let's Go, Loid

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? And when I am for myself, what am 'I'? And if not now, when?" - Hillel the Elder

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Friday, December 02, 2011

Efren Reyes - Rubilen Amit Pair Defeats Johnny Archer - Jeanette Lee Team-Up In The 2nd Annual World Mixed Doubles Final

"They can beat me now, but they can never achieve what I've achieved." - Efren "The Magician" Reyes

The Philippines’ Efren Bata Reyes and Rubilen Amit, World Mixed Doubles defending pair, retained their title after posting a 10-6 victory against America’s very own Johnny Archer and Jeanette Lee in the final round of the event – held in Hangzhou, China today.

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Blogging Responsibly

"Your Right To Swing Your Arm Ends Where My Nose Begins"

I wanted to comment on a blog post I have read today but the commenting has been closed so I'd just say here what I otherwise wanted to comment on that blog post. I'm not gonna name names and you'd know why if you read on. :P
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